Video + Performance

LAG TIME (2016).

Lag Time (2016)
Single channel colour video 
Silent, 00:23 min. [looped]


Lag Time was recorded on the last leg of a fourteen-hour journey from New York City to Belfast.  This video documents my effort to sleep with the rising sun coming in from the east, while traveling on a bus from the Republic of Ireland to Northern Ireland.

Video + Performance

UNSUNG (2015–2016).

Unsung (2015–2016)
Screen-based videos with text
Approx. 15 seconds each [looped]


I started writing lyrics and poetry on my PC when I was thirteen.  This project harks back to then, but instead of storing my work on a floppy disc for no one to see, I have posted it publicly via Instagram.  The sound is important because it highlights part of my process.  These short 'video texts' are recorded in real time, mistakes left in.
Video + Performance

FLAT LINE (2013).

Flat Line (2013)
Single channel colour video
1:53 min.


When I first moved to New York in 2012, I slept on an air mattress for six months.  When I could finally afford to buy a real bed, I took the mattress to Coney Island in Brooklyn and embraced its flaws.

This video work is a sister project to Somewhere is Always Some Place Else (2013).

Video + Performance

WORK OUT (2013).

Work Out (2013)
Single channel colour video
Silent, 3:00 min. 


I'd been thinking about wavelengths within a relationship, and how we naturally fluctuate and go back and forth with each other.  In this way, Work Out is about every single relationship I have ever had.

Video + Performance


Obstacle Race, 2013
Single channel colour video
Silent, 1:31 min.


Obstacle Race is about taking charge of an otherwise humiliating situation.

I’ve never been a fan of sports.  But in Primary School, the one event kids like me were required to participate in was the Obstacle Race.  When I was about eight years old, I actually won, only for a loudspeaker to inform me moments later that I’d been disqualified for not following the rules.

At the time of the race, I was obsessed with the Spice Girls, and I dreamt of being in New York City like Macaulay Culkin in the movie Home Alone 2.  In this video performance, I reenact the race from memory, throwing in Spice Girls dance moves, while dressed in my favourite childhood t-shirt.  The backdrop of the video features The Plaza Hotel, the central filming location in Home Alone 2.

© 2025 Jonathan David Smyth. All rights reserved.